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India's India's First Humanoid Robot; The concept of non livng creatures to send to space for access. இந்தியாவின் முதல் மனித ரோபோக்கள்


In the terms of technology there are many countries in the world, which are way ahead from rest of the world. Japan is mainly considered as the world leader in the terms of technology and robotics especially. Some technologies are even firstly introduced in Japan than the world. For example the worlds very first bullet train was introduced in Japan in the year of 1964. That was called the TokaidoShinkansen which was the first ever high speed train in the world. The system was then followed by several countries like Germany , France , Italy Spain and others. Even the first ever high speed train project in India is the Japanese shinkansen. So Japan has made technology ahead of the time. Japan is way ahead than the world in the terms of robotics.

India always try hard to get the latest technology on board . Not only try to build innovations but also at a cheap price that rest of the world couldn’t think of. The Indian Space Research organization ISRO is well known for its affordable and high end technology. Let us introduce you to the India’s self made humanoid robot from ISRO Vyommitra. Vyommitra is a female developed by the Indian space agency ISRO to onboard Gaganyaan. This humanoid robot was firstly unveiled on 22ndJanuary 2022 by ISRO at the human spaceflight and exploration symposium at the silicon valley of India Bengaluru (Bangalore). This humanoid robot made by ISRO will accompany the Indian astronauts on one of the most important missions of India the Gaganyaanmission. The main purpose for this was that ISRO aims not to fly the animals to space onboard. This humanoid robot Vyommitra is made to perform the microgravity experiments , monitor the module parameters and to support other onboard Indian astronauts. Vyommitra is being able to speak both Hindi and English languages. This robot is so intelligent that it can even mimic some of the human activities, recorganised other humans and also to respond their activities. This can also perform some environment control and life support functions. The Vyommitra is also being able to handle switch panel operations . and give environment air pressure change warnings. So this self made humanoid robot is not less than any other humanoid robot. We have much more potential than any other country of the world. Even most of the global companies have Indian CEO’s. We can even rule the world. Even once in an interview the founder of Amazon said this 20th century is going to be an Indian century and we hope so , will happen soon.

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