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Concept of Dark Web; What is dark web and why we should avoid this? Dark Web பற்றி யாரும் அறிந்திராத உண்மைகள்; அதை ஏன் தவிர்க்க வேண்டும் ;


Since the starting of the web we’ve many transformations in it. Everything we are getting online, whether it being a medicine ordered online or a information or review about a tourist spot, a movie whatever,  everything is transparent and legal. Everyone’s search history is being backed up in the server of the search engine service providers. To have any confidential browsing, we may use Incognito mode of browsing. But there is an alternative or against to the Incognito mode of browsing  which is  not legally authorized. The concept behind this is called as “Deep Web”

The Deep web was created in the late 1990’s, when two research organization’s in the U.S department of defense drove efforts to develop to communicate with the U.S spies. All they wanted is that, a medium through which their really confidential information to be shared, without the interruption of any third party.

A dark web is also known as invisible web or hidden web are parts of the world wide web whose contents aren’t indexed by standard web search engine programmers. The Deep web was actually developed by a computer scientist named Michael K Bergman as a search indexing term. These websites of the dark and deep web can be directly accessed by an URL or an IP address, but this isn’t safe. The gm hackers or criminals may detect your location. This could be so dangerous for civilians.

How can one dark or deep web securily?

There’s no 100 percent surety of safety while surfing dark web. But with some security it is possible. By using Tor Browser you can access the dark web. But there are some instructions to use it. You can use a Tor browser both on your P.C and your smartphone.

While using the Tor browser you can’t be in full screen mode. While using Tor the windows should be minimalized. Because hackers may detect your location. A Tor browser works like layers of an onion. As there are many layers in an onion, so as in Tor there are many layers of IP address enabling maximum security to the users. But still this isn’t safe to surf the dark or deep web. Websites are only safe with https address , those websites without "s" in their http aren’t secured. Not only drug dealers, criminals but big global news agencies, Governments also use dark web for their confidential. You can find anything illegal you can imagine or sometimes the things you can’t even imagine.

So in my opinion you must not try to visit the dark web and initiative to be against the same. You can explore more informative articles on this website. Make sure to share this informative blog with your friends also.

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